Active membership of this Society shall be limited to surgeons who practice primarily vascular surgery, who are in good moral and ethical standing in their community as judged by members of the Society. Candidates for membership shall be certified by the Vascular Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery or the Royal Canadian College of Surgeons Certificate of Special Competence in Vascular Surgery. In exceptional cases, the Membership Committee may elect to accept equivalent periods of training for formal certification. Active members shall be bound to meeting attendance rules and required to pay annual dues.
  • Prospective active members should have completed a minimum of one (1) year of practice in the geographic confines of the Society after vascular surgery training before applying for membership.

  • The prospective active member should meet one or more of the following three (3) criteria to be considered for active membership:
    • Excellence in Clinical Care –this can be reflected by letters from colleagues and collaborators, regional reputation, years in practice, peer-recognition awards (Chief of Staff, senior surgeon in group, HMO recognition award), service on peer-review organizations, case lists and outcomes, community involvement or participation in clinical trials.
    • Contributions to Vascular Science – this can be reflected by peer-review publications, non-profit or federal grant support, invited lectures, professorships, faculty appointments, invited publications, participation in clinical trials, device development, active participation in local/regional vascular societies participation in Society for Vascular Surgery Vascular Quality Initiative (SVS VQI) data collection, or serving on hospital committees.
    • Contributions to Vascular Education – this can be reflected by teaching responsibilities at a vascular or general surgery training program, hospital grand rounds, seminars, proctorship of new vascular procedures or other lectureships.
Active Member Benefits:
Active members may hold office, have voting privileges, can serve on committees, can sponsor new member applications, as well as submit and sponsor papers for presentation at the annual meeting.
Note: If you are not eligible for Active Membership and wish to apply for Candidate Membership, please use this link.

2025 New Member Application Deadline is July 1, 2025