Registration Form

All attendee and guest registrations include scientific sessions and CME access, Breakfasts, Welcome Reception, and a Presidential Banquet Ticket. 
Registration Type(s): *
Payment Type: *
Do you plan to attend the Presidential Banquet on Saturday 5th? *
Please Note: All attendees and all guests wishing to attend the Presidential Banquet must be registered.
The 2025 Presidential Banquet is intended to be an adult-only dinner. Enjoy it!
Drop off the children ages 5 and up down the hall for an concurrent event geared just for them. 
5:00pm Kids buffet opens with all the good stuff like pizza and chicken strips
5:30pm The show begins with the San Diego Science Guys program called Ready, Set, SHOCK!
7:30pm Collection you kids and hear all about the fun!

The kids will have a blast with the van De Graff creating electrical current. Learn how to make make your hair stand up and watch current travel around a human circuit. There will be laughter and Bubble Bubbles Bubbles! Buy tickets for this event below and watch for an RSVP email with more details and family information form.
Please enter the number of tickets you like to purchase for our concurrent children's event ($50 per child, 5yr old and above):
Please email
or call Heather Roderick at (360) 420-6906