United States Department of Agriculture NRCS

Grand River Revitalization - Public Comment Form

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is seeking public comment on the draft Watershed Project Plan - Environmental Assessment for the Lower Grand River Watershed Habitat Restoration project in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This project is commonly called the Grand River Revitalization. In 2017, NRCS awarded $4.1 million in Public Law 83-566 funds through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) to the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) for the Grand River Revitalization project. GVMC has partnered with the City of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapid Whitewater on this project (Project Partners).

The Environmental Assessment covers all environmental and cultural impacts anticipated from the proposed project, temporary or permanent, and includes the following categories:

  1. Air Quality and Noise
  2. Soils and Geology
  3. Water and Riverine Resources
  4. Aquatic Species and Habitat
  5. Land Use, Recreation, and Visual Resources
  6. Socioeconomic and Environmental Justice
  7. Cultural Resources
  8. Public Health
  9. Urban Dynamics

NRCS is seeking public comment on this draft Environmental Assessment. The public comment period begins on October 3, 2022 and will last for 30 days.

If you would like to review the draft Environmental Assessment document, please visit the NRCS website at this location: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/mi/newsroom/pnotice/


Before you submit a response here are a few things you should know:

1. Comments are limited to 5000 characters

2. Attachments are limited to 100MB.


Verbal public comments will be accepted via the chat function through Microsoft Teams at the following virtual meeting: October 3, 2022, from 7 pm to 8 pm EST

To request an invitation to the virtual meeting, please fill out the request form here.

Please insert your public comment in the Comment box below. Responses are limited to 5000 characters. Relevant attachments may be uploaded at the end of the form.
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