Lunch, Golf, Fore Caddie, Raffle and
Cocktail Reception Following Golf on the Terrace

Our Mission:
Founded in1960, the Greenwich Old Timers Athletic Association provides college
scholarships, supports youth sports programs and honors local & national sports legends.

Contact Person


Tournament Sponsor 🛈
Select Yes if you would like to purchase a hole sign or become a Tournament sponsor!
Level *
Please select from the following advertising options:
Ad Size *
Note: Premiere ads include a full page add
Front, Inside Front, Back & Inside Back include color printing.
Premiere Ad Position (Includes Full Page Ad) *


Please include your business name and year in the file name
E.G., John Smith Enterprises Old Timers Ad 2022.pdf
You can also email your ad copy directly to:

Format - Best Ball or Scramble

Introducing Best Ball or Scramble format! 
Please select your preference while registering (there will be two separate flights)
Best Ball: Each golfer plays their own ball throughout the round, such that four balls are in play. A team's number of strokes for a given hole is that of the lowest scoring team member.
Scramble: all players tee off, choose which shot is best and all play their next shots from the location of the best shot. Continue selecting the best shot until one player hits the ball in the hole. The team score is total of the best shots.

Players / Foursomes

Individual Players

Foursome - Team A

Foursome - Team B

Hole Sign


Hole signs: Sponsor must artwork of logo or artwork in digital format. Signs will be 24 x 18 in color. Sponsor may add 2-3 lines of text with their logo. Preferred formats: PDF, JPG, PNG (any questions email
Ad Instructions


Current Total:
Press Calculate to Determine Your Total Cost
Payment method *

Checks can be mailed payable to:

“Greenwich Old Timers”

PO Box 558, Greenwich, CT 06836

Accepted Credit Cards
American Express
The Greenwich Old Timers raises money for college scholarships and youth sports programs
Classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Tax ID 06-6056345