Sustainable Development Course Petition Form

Your application for a course substitution should consist of this completed form and the course syllabus submitted in PDF format. Reviews are completed on a monthly basis and your decision will be sent via e-mail.

Important Information:

  • Requests for course substitutions will not be accepted beyond the first semester of your senior year. You may need to return for an additional semester to complete the program requirements.
  • This form is required for any course taken outside of the listed program requirements including: electives not on the pre-approved list, transfer credits, study abroad, and Columbia courses not explicitly listed on the requirements list.
  • Substitutions for the foundational courses (SDEV UN1900 Introduction to Sustainable Development, EESC UN2330 Science for Sustainable Development and SDEV UN2300 Challenges of Sustainable Development) are not allowed.

 Please direct questions to Sylvia Montijo at

**As a reminder, requests for course substitutions will not be accepted beyond the first semester of your senior year
School *
SDEV Program *

Course Information
Which requirement does the course fulfill or partially fulfill? *

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