Join the Addiction Recovery Coalition
The Addiction Recovery Coalition aims to help one million more people recover from addiction by 2030 by bringing transparency and accountability to addiction treatment. If this mission excites you, please join us!
Yes! I care deeply about helping more people recover from addiction!
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
What lived experience, expertise and/or resources can you contribute to the coalition? (please select all that apply):
Patient Advocate: I am passionate about helping people recover from addiction because of my own addiction or the addiction of people I love
Treatment Provider: I have experience working at an addiction treatment provider
Employer: Our company pays for employees to attend treatment
Labor Union: Our union pays for members to attend treatment
Payer: I have experience working at a health plan that covers addiction treatment
Researcher: I have experience doing addiction treatment research
Philanthropist: My organization might be able to support the Coalition's work
Donor: I can support the Coalition's work financially
Are you working at an addiction treatment center now?
Which treatment center do you work at?
What company do you work for?
What labor union do you work for?
Are you working at a health plan now?
What health plan do you work for?
What type of research have you done?
Where do you work now?
What philanthropic organization are you associated with?
What is your title?
Please share (in complete confidence) why you are passionate about helping more people recover from addiction. (optional):
Other thoughts or comments? (optional):
Thank you VERY much for your interest in and support of the Addiction Recovery Coalition. We are very excited to work with you!
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