Donation Request Form

What type of product or service are you requesting? *
If retail item, please choose what might be appropriate:

Information About Your Organization


Donation Request

0/255 characters
Do you plan on promoting your event with the Common Grounds brand name and/or logo through any of the following outlets? Select all that apply. *
0/255 characters
Terms of Service:
Common Grounds (hereafter referred to as CG) offers both free and reduced pricing on coffee products being requested for donation. 
- CG reserves the right to accept and decline requests based on the goals of the business and the availablility of product and personnel. 
- CG may require that a marketing component be involved in negotiations. Both CG and the client can discuss different marketing strategies to fulfill the goals of both the organization and CG.
- CG reserves the right to bill or charge a client if any malicious, defaming, or deceptive activity occurs after negotiations have been made either before, during, or after the event occurs.
Updated (3/28/17)
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