March 6th-9th, 2025

Thank you for your interest in GUIDE Retreat at CEF International Headquarters. For more detailed information go to
    • A fee of $75 is required at time of registration. Please be prepared with credit card information. If someone else is paying for your registration, please ask them to register for you.
    • Each person must register individually (group registrations are not available).
    • 16 and 17 year-olds must be accompanied by parents unless special arrangements have been made. Contact
    • A complete registration includes all travel information and payment of $75 registration fee.
    • Check-in is 2:00-4:00 PM on Thursday, and GUIDE Retreat ends with breakfast on Sunday.
    • Registration opens January 8th and closes February 20th (or when maximum capacity is reached)
For questions email
* Indicates Response Required
Application Information:
Will a parent be attending with you? *
Gender: *
Is the person entering this information the GUIDE registrant? *

Travel Information

Our complimentary shuttle service covers the following transportation ports in the St. Louis area only.

The airport we serve is named St. Louis Lambert International Airport abbreviated STL located at 107001 Lambert International Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63145 about 14 miles northwest of downtown St. Louis.

The bus station and train station are located in the city of St. Louis in the same building. This location serves Greyhound, Mega Bus, and Amtrak. The address is 430 South 15th Street, St. Louis, MO 63103
Check-in is 2:00-4:00 PM on Thursday, and GUIDE Retreat ends with breakfast on Sunday.
* Your registration is not complete until we have ALL your flight information - including flight arrival time and flight departure time. 
Flight Information (all flights should be to St. Louis-STL Lambert)

CEF Involvement

Is this your first time coming to GUIDE Retreat? *
How did you hear about GUIDE Retreat? *
What areas of Child Evangelism Fellowship® have you worked with in the past? *
Are you a paid CEF staff member? *

Lodging and Meals

CONTINUE below to pay for your registration. Thank you. *

Photography and Video Release

Please read the release and indicate your agreement and signature below. 

Child Evangelism Fellowship® may, from time to time, document the activities of the ministry with photos or videos. I hereby assign and grant to Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc., its subsidiaries and successors, and assign the unqualified right to the ownership, use and proceeds of all photographs or video of me, without reservation or limitation, including use of photographs or video of me for, but not limited to, advertising, educational and promotional purposes.

(NOTE:  On electronic forms, your typed signature has the same effect as your written signature.)
