Dear Brangus Breeders,

The 2023 Rockhampton Brangus Sale will be on Sunday 8th & Monday 9th October 2023. The 2022 Rockhampton sale was extremely successful and the sale continues to attract more nominations each year.


To provide an equitable & fair system for nominations the Sale Committee invites members to indicate by way of Expression of Interest the number of animals they intend to nominate for the 2023 Rockhampton Brangus Sale.

It would be greatly appreciated if these numbers could be provided by Friday 19th May 2023.
Expressions of Interests submitted will only be a guide for the Committee and Agents and will no way be binding on any member. Sale Nomination forms will be made available 1st of July 2023 by the ABCA office. Please be advised that the cut-off for the sale entries will be 18th July 2023.
Important Information
- Brangus Bundles must be completed on ALL registered animals (including supplementary animals) before close of nominations. Nominations will not be accepted unless the Brangus Bundle has been completed

- All animals being sold must have a minimum condition score of 3

- All bulls require a Motility (crush side) Semen result of over 60%
- All bulls require a minimum Qualifying Pass Morphology result within 8 weeks of the sale

- Commercial bulls being sold will only have one line of pedigree in the sale catalogue 
- Heifer Sale will start at 4pm on Sunday 8th. Commercial heifers will be sold first and will be followed directly by Registered heifers
- Scanning and weighing will be done on Saturday 8th October at CQLX

- Dentition is no longer a requirement but will be included on the Supplementary Sheet if provided

- Black and red bulls will be sold throughout the catalogue and not split

The full conditions of sale will be available when nomination open.
Committee Contact Details
Brad Saunders | 0458 359 105 (Chair)
Tim Flynn | 0488 367 501
Kris Dingle | 0419 620 150  
Tessa Pearson | 0437 986 081 (ABCA CEO)
Agent Contact Details
Ray White Livestock - Duty Agent
Gary Wendt | 0427 184 875

GDL Stud Stock 
Mark Duthie | 0448 016 950
Randall Spann | 0429 700 332
If you would like the office to check that our potential sale animals meet the DNA requirements, please list their idents below and you will receive written confirmation:

By submitting an Expression of Interest for the 2023 Rockhampton Brangus Sale I understand that;

1. That this EOI is an indication only and is in no way binding

2. I acknowledge and understand the changes in the conditions of sale & accept the responsibility of meeting the conditions of sale for 2023

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