Author Information Form

Welcome to Windy City Publishers!  

Thank you for your interest in Windy City Publishers. As you may know, we offer a free 30-minute consultation upon receipt of our Author Information Form. If you would be so kind as to fill it out and submit it, we can get you on the calendar.

In addition, if you haven't already read through our FAQs or downloaded our free book How to Publish a Book: What Every Author Needs to Know, you might consider doing so. They both can give insight into not only our process, but the publishing business in general.

Thanks again for contacting Windy City Publishers, and we look forward to speaking with you!

Contact Information

This information will not be shared or disseminated in any way.

Manuscript Information

Is your manuscript finished? *
What services are you interested in?
Is your book... *
If possible, please attach a chapter of your manuscript or a sample of your writing.

Children's Books
Are your illustrations complete?
Are you the illustrator?

Legal Information

Has your content/material/manuscript/book been previously published? *
If so, has it been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office?
Does your content include any song lyrics or material from another author's published works?  *
Are you currently in any litigation regarding your content/material/manuscript/book? *
How did you hear of Windy City Publishers? *

Thank you for your submission.

Windy City Publishers