Zero Tolerance policy for: bullying, threats, weapons, violence, language, or
inappropriate behavior by Youth (or parent): Youth program enrollment will be terminated immediately.
First & Second Daily Warnings:
- Youth will be warned verbally if their behavior disrupts Staff or group activity.
- Upon 1st & 2nd warning, two Youth Services Staff will be present to explain in a positive manner why the behavior is not allowed. Verbal warnings will be conducted in a respectful and explanatory way.
- Parents will receive verbal notification from staff that their child has received verbal warnings.
- Warnings and parent notifications will be documented in staff binder.
Third Daily Warning: Upon 3rd incident, Youth will be sent home from program, and parent will receive a written incident report.
Parent must pick up Youth immediately upon contact and notice of incident from Youth Services program staff.
YS programming reserves the right to warn, suspend, or dismiss Youth if:
- a Youth receives multiple third incident warnings within a short duration of time and suspension will be determined by Youth Services Director after Staff discussion.
- a Youth requires an inordinate amount of attention from staff thereby causing inadequate levels of supervision for the remainder of the group.
- Youth behavior poses a danger or threat to themselves, or for any reason within the discretion of YS Staff & YS Director.
We do not anticipate any issues; however, we will strictly follow the abovementioned policies for the safety of all Youth and Staff.