In accordance with SUNY SA Bylaws, the Student Assembly Scretary shall create and manintain information on all of the Student Governments across the SUNY System.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SUNY SA Executive Secretary Lotus Taylor at

Campus Information

Please fill out the information below:

Student Government Information

Please fill out the information below:

Student Government Information

Student Government Information

Student Government Branches: *

Student Government Information

0/255 characters
Are Honor Societies or Greek life funded by the Student Activity Fee? *

Student Government Information

Method of Voting: *
Voting Occurrence: *
Are all branches voted on at the same time? *

Student Government Information

What is your Student Government relationship with your Campus Administration? *
What is your Student Government relationship with the SUNY Student Assembly? *

SUNY SA Conference Information

Does your campus plan on attending the SUNY Student Assembly Conferences during the 2023-2024 Academic Year? *
Fall Conference 2023
Advocacy Day, February 2024
Spring Conference, February 2024
Leadership Retreat (TBD)
Did your campus attend the SUNY Student Assembly Conferences during the 2022-2023 Academic Year? *
Leadership Conference, September 2022
Fall Conference, November 2022 (Cancelled)
Advocacy Day, February 2023
Spring Conference, Spring 2023

If you have any concerns, please contact Executive Secretary Lotus Taylor at 

You also may contact SUNY SA Advisor's Geraldine Gutierrez and Bridget Ebenhoch at and