*Please be aware that you must provide a copy of your most recently filed tax return*

Filing Status: *
Are you a resident of Florida? *
Phone Type: *
Would you like to receive text messages related to your tax return and/or appointments? *
Did you make estimated/quarterly payments for 2024? *
Are you claiming any dependents? *
Add another dependent? *
Add another dependent ? *
During 2024, did you: (a) receive crypto as a reward, award, or compensation or (b) sell, exchange, gift, or otherwise dispose of a digital asset? *
Do you own a business? *
Business Type: *
How would you like to receive your refund (if applicable)? *
Do you have a trust or estate? *
How would you like to receive your completed tax return? *
What Tax Services are you interested in?
How did you hear about us?
By your signature below, you certify and agree that the information you have provided is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You have the final responsibility for the tax returns prepared by our firm. Therefore, you should review them carefully before you sign the e-file authorization forms (if applicable), or before you sign and submit your income tax returns directly to the appropriate taxing authorities. *

