Event form should ideally be submitted no less than 8 weeks and preferably 12 weeks before an event. 

Contact Information

Event Information

Preferred Date ( add in order of preference) 🛈
Venue Preference *

Event Logistics

Please provide AV needs if known.
Virtual Option *
Program logistics
Will you require catering? *

Partner Responsibilities

Special Events work closely with partners to ensure a successful event. We expect that Gift Officers and/or campus partners take on the responsibility of leading the outreach to key donors/guests. Our recommendation is that personalized outreach begins with these guests ahead of the first mass email communication and continues until the event attendee goal is met.
How will we invite invitees? *
Will you need devcomms/omc assets? ( print invitations, marketing, talking points, etc.) 🛈
Special Events will work with you to develop and send mass email/print communications. Partners are responsible for individual outreach which is key to a successful event.  I agree. *
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