CES Executive Committee Ballot 2022

This ballot should be used to vote in the 2022 CES Executive Committee elections. Only current members of the Council for European Studies are eligible to vote.   
Please submit your vote by April 29, 2022, 11:59pm EDT.
If you have questions about this ballot or your membership in CES, please email info@ces-europe.org. 

Please provide your name and email address. (Note: This information is collected to ensure that only votes submitted by current CES members are tallied. All ballots are confidential.)  

Executive Committee Election 2022

Every two years, the CES membership votes to elect candidates for our Executive Committee. This year, we are electing six members who will serve from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026. Each of the seven members listed below has agreed to stand and to serve. Candidates marked with an asterisk were nominated and have been endorsed by current members of the Executive Committee. Please click on the box next to their name to vote for them. You may "write in" a candidate by clicking on the button for "Other" and entering the name of your preferred candidate. Please vote for a maximum of six candidates. Voting is open as of today and will be closed by Friday, April 29, 2022.
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