CES Research Networks - Annual Report 2016-2017

This form should be used by CES Research Network leaders to submit their annual report of the network's activities and membership. 
If you have questions about this form, please email the CES Team at research@ces-europe.org.

Form Login Account (optional)
New Users / Returning Users:
CLICK HERE to setup or return to your account for this form. Creating an account enables you to return to this form and your submitted results. An account will also enable you to partially complete this form and return later to finish the form. The account you establish is only for this form.
Please provide your name and email address.  


Did your network call for nominations, hold an election, revise its constitution, or implement a leadership transition at any point during the academic year? Please check all that apply. *
Will your changes or additions to the Network constitution require a ratification vote?


Did you engage in any fundraising activities during the academic year? (This may include applying for a grant from CES or another funder, partnering with a publisher, collecting RN member dues, etc.) *

Annual Network Meeting

Did your network hold an annual Research Network meeting at the most recent International Conference of Europeanists? *

International Conference of Europeanists

Did you organize any special network activities designed to coincide with the Council's International Conference of Europeanists? (Such activities may include workshops, professional development sessions, semi-plenaries and receptions scheduled directly before, during or after the conference.) *

Awards & Fellowships

Did your network award any special prizes, fellowships or grants during the academic year? *

Future Activities


Network Membership

Comments and Suggestions

Please check all services offered by CES that you would like CES staff to set up for your network (only those you do not have already.) Note that some of these may require you to submit additional information or files to CES.