Welcome to the Toys for Big Boys Learn to Ride Program at Riverglade Motocross! This is a basic, dirt bike learn to ride program, it is not a motocross school, it consists of 11 different exercises (i.e., balance and braking, riding position, stop and go, speed and steering control, shifting, standing, slalom track, etc).
The rider must be able to ride a 2-wheel bicycle without training wheels in order to be accepted in the course, and be six years old or six within a few months of the course date. 
Gear is provided, but we do encourage riders to bring their own helmets as it is a primary safety item.
Our line-up of dirt bikes, includes, CRF 50, CRF 110, CRF 125 Big Wheel, CRF 125 Small Wheel.
We will connect with you to confirm your date and bike, before processing your payment for the course. The course is $150 plus tax for the day and includes, the bike, the gear, and lunch.
Cancellations within 14 days leading up to the course date are not eligible for refund. PLEASE NOTE: The office for JRR will be closed from April 18 to 27, we will respond to everyone, upon returning. 
Please ensure that the child that you are looking to sign-up is interested in learning to ride a dirt bike before signing up, as for some this could be a dream and others a challenge their not looking to take on.
What are the date(s) you're interested in signing up your rider for. *
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