Health History Update, Permission for Emergency Care & Extended Day Registration

Complete the following checklist by indicating any of the *
Does the student's health condition require medically necessary medications or specialized health care treatments in school?
Does the student take any medications, homeopathic supplements or nutritional & performance supplements? *
Specifically during or after exercise, has the student experienced any of the following? Check all that apply. *
Was a medical evaluation done as a result of any of the above symptoms during exercise?
**Please do NOT list a parent as an emergency contact. This should be a person we can call if we cannot get a hold of a parent!**
Consent for Treatment: I give my permission for qualified school personnel to provide routine health care and first aid to my child as may be necessary during school and after school activities. I assume full responsibility for providing the school with all necessary over the counter or prescription medications as well as necessary medical treatment supplies and authorization, if needed during the school day. 
Consent for Treatment: *
Consent to Share Health Information: The school nurse and/or health aide have my permission to share my child's confidential health information, on a need-to-know basis, with appropriate members of the educational staff (e.g. teachers, counselors, athletic trainers, extended day staff), and healthcare team, for the use in meeting the educational and health needs of my student. This consent includes the sharing of personally identifiable health record information during immunization and communicable disease surveillance audits by the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Department of Social Services for licensed program compliance, if applicable.
Consent to Share Information: *
Notification Agreement: I agree to notify the school within 24 hours if my child or any member of their immediate household has developed a communicable disease. I agree to notify the school immediately if the disease is life threatening. I agree to pick up my sick or injured child in a timely manner when contacted. If I cannot be reached, the above emergency contacts can be called to pick up my child. Additionally, if I cannot be contacted in an emergency, the school has my permission to take my child to the emergency room of the nearest hospital and I hereby authorize its medical staff to provide treatment, when a physician deems necessary for the well-being of my child. 
Notification agreement: *
Consent to Share Information: I grant permission for the following information to be made available to the St. Ambrose School community: student and parents' names, address, phone number and email address.
Consent to Share Information: *
Consent to Participate: I grant permission for my child to use all play equipment, walk around school grounds for planned activities, and to participate in all activities held at the school.
Consent to Participate: *
I certify that the information provided in this document is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Parent/Guardian Signature: *