Rhine Education Center: Course Evaluation


Please take your time and consider each question on this evaluation carefully.  These evaluations will be used to help determine how the Rhine Education Center might be able to improve the courses in the future.

Instructions:  Please rate each question from 1 – 5 where:
1 = Very unsatisfied
2 = Unsatisfied
3 = Neither satisfied or unsatisfied
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied

Course Presentation

Accessibility *
Select 1-5
1) The ability to view the classes using the Zoom software.
2) The audio quality of the class presentations.
3) The chat feature of the Zoom software.
4) The ability to ask questions during the class.
5) The quality of the recordings of the classes.
6) Your overall ability to view the classes throughout the course.
Course Materials *
Select 1-5
7) The quality of the content of the course materials.
8) The quality of the information on the Powerpoint slides used to present the course.
9) The additional items on the Powerpoint slides (images, fonts, colors, etc.)
10) The textbook used for the course. (if applicable)
11) Additional materials recommended by the instructor for more information.
12) Your overall impression of the course materials.
Instructor *
Select 1-5
13) The knowledge of the instructor related to the course materials.
14) The professionalism of the instructor.
15) The quality of the instructor’s presentation of the information.
16) The responsiveness of the instructor to questions and comments.
17) The presence of the instructor in the discussion forums.
18) The quality of the responses provided in the discussion forums.
19) Your overall impression of the instructor.
Moderator (If the course had a moderator)
Select 1-5
20) The knowledge of the moderator for the course.
21) The professionalism of the moderator for the course.
22) The responsiveness of the moderator for the course.
23) Your overall impression of the moderator.
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Website/Courseroom *
Select 1-5
25) The availability of the website throughout the course.
26) Your ability to find information on the website.
27) The quality of the information on the website.
28) Your ability to use the discussion forums.
29) The contribution of the discussion forums in your knowledge of the course.
30) Your ability to view archived classes through the website.
31) Your overall impression of the website.
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Policies and Grading

Policies and Grading *
Select 1-5
33) The clarity of the academic policies.
34) The clarity of the administrative policies.
35) The clarity of the grading criteria.
36) The criteria used for determining the grades for the course.
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Additional Comments or Suggestions

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May we use your comments or opinions in our marketing materials for the Rhine Education Center? (Yes or no).